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general accounting office中文是什么意思

用"general accounting office"造句"general accounting office"怎么读"general accounting office" in a sentence


  • 美国国会总会计局
  • 审计院
  • 审计总署
  • 总会计室
  • 总审计局


  • Chairman . did you begin work at the general accounting office in
  • Chairman . did you begin work at the general accounting office in .
  • A2002 probe by the federal general accounting office found more than 1 , 200 r sum s on a government internet site listed degrees that actually came from diploma mills
    2002年,联邦审计总署进行的一项调查发现,政府因特网站上有1200多份求职简历,其所列学位实际均来自“文凭作坊” 。
  • Washington ? a report by the general accounting office suggests that the government has not fully addressed all legal issues that would come into play in efforts to promote widespread adoption of healthcare information technology
用"general accounting office"造句  
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